The Truth About You…


I believe, feel, and exist within the Universal Law of Expansion.

Every day our Universe is expanding (as proven by Science if that matters to you), as are we, simply by being a part of the Energy of All That Is.

It is our birthright to Expand into and with the Wholeness that is: Human and Spirit combined. We are born as both: loving ourselves, completely in love with our bodies, our energy, life itself, and those around us – this is our ‘default’ position. When we come into the world, ALL of us shows up, all of us is here as Wholeness.

Think of a time when you have been in the presence of a baby and how they simply take ‘delight in their being’. How much they love their bodies, their exuberance, their connection to everything, and their vivacious energy.

It’s like we are born with an Echo of Creation within us that shines out for all to delight in, then Society systematically sets about distracting us from it, and we eventually come to believe in a different reality from that which we were born.

So – what happens to that innate self-love that reverberates so apparently from babies?

As adolescents and adults we are left questioning: What is this life even for? Why am I here? and Why is the world SO broken? We yearn for a deeper connection, but we don’t know what with, or who… We mask the gaping hole with ‘partnering up’, drugs, alcohol, and consumerism. Having stuff, being stuff, stuffing the hole with STUFF.

This is the result of Separation. Systematic disillusionment which for the average Human seems to take around 13-15 years to be created. WE created this. It is NOT reality.

What if instead, you were born into a world where this innate self-love you contain is nurtured and sustained. Who might you be then?

If your world reflects the Wholeness you were born with as you grow up, who would you know yourself to be within that Wholeness? Who would you become?

A person with self-love cannot harm another. Therefore there would be no war, no violence, and no need for police, law, policy, or state. There would be Oneness, Sameness, and Compassion emanating as Creation’s True Echo. This is the REAL reality many of us are seeking.

The Truth is: this begins within you.

Your mission if you choose to accept it, is to go within you. Go to that part of you that has always known there is more, and listen to it. Listen with your whole body, not just your ears – FEEL what it has to say about the Truth of You.

As you still yourself, your frequency will shift – like a radio dial tuning into a station. Allow yourself to tune into the station of you.

By doing this, you allow the frequency of the physical you to become a match for the frequency of the energetic you, (your Soul). Once the frequency is the same, you will hear YOU. The True You, as you were born. The You that loves you, the you that is exuberant, the you that delights in simply being, playing and expanding. The you that feels the connection with everyone and everything else.

The you that is not really separated at all! but has simply been distracted for a while…

This place, is your Home Base – there is no hole or gap within you, because All of You has always been here. “You are not broken, you are Wholeness waiting to become.” (DZAR)

So, this is the Truth about you. Try it, you might like it.

Are you ready to live your life differently? – click here

Be the Creator of your own world.

Echo of Creation

A letter to my 13 year old Niece

Oprah Winfrey recently released a book called “Things I know for Sure” – As someone nearing the middle of their life, I would like to offer a “thus far” version of this to my niece on her 13th birthday in the hopes that she will one day read it.

Dear ‘Anna’,

You know the Movie “Avatar” you love so much? – What do you feel each time you watch it? and Why do you never grow bored of seeing it? I wonder if it is because it is closer to the truth than what you may have been taught at school – about life so far, and some part of you senses this?

What if I told you that I’ve discovered Einstein was right: E = Mc2 (everything is energy)?

What if I told you that the earth is alive, and that as a living thing it must have a soul? All living things have a type of soul, even animals and plants. There is both the physical, and the energy part that exists within everything and everyone, and this joins us all together.

We all come from the same Source are designed to work together – human beings and the world. We once did this beautifully. We hold the potential to work in harmony, and the key to achieving this is for more and more people to reunite with their soul essence, and to realize who they truly are. For it is only people that experience a sense of separation from themselves that are capable of acts of depletion, corruption and violence.

But if I focus on what separated people are doing and choose to feel sad, angry, scared or hopeless this energy I’m emitting via my thoughts and feelings actually feeds into and perpetuates the separation (depletion, corruption, and violence).

You see, energy reflects energy. This is the only thing you ever really need to know about life.

What I do with my energy is like a pebble in the pond, and it ripples out into my environment, into the world, into the Universe.

Energy/we are powerful, but we are taught that we are not. We are taught that power is external, but our ‘teacher’ is experiencing separation.

We have been taught to think small, be small and remain small but this does not serve our world. The universe is constantly expanding, and wants you (the expression of your soul) to do the same. Desperately – for this is what will save our world.

So how do you go about expanding your energy throughout your life?

It is frustratingly simple:

  • Allow your unique gifts to shine by remaining forever curious about your own potential
  • Listen to your inner knowing above any advice or societal conditioning/expectations
  • Move through any experiences that may thwart your expansion (my previous blog will explain how)
  • Nurture yourself, be kind and compassionate to yourself, as well as loyal. Always.

May you one day read this, and find freedom in these words.

May my nearly 40 years of life benefit and assist the early part of your journey in only the best of ways.

Happy birthday ‘Anna’.

Lots of Love…


This is part of our Evolutionary process.

In a world where human beings are becoming increasingly aware of something more than what the five senses have historically perceived, I am on a personal journey to explore our emerging sixth sense, (intuition). I want to get to know my sixth sense, and I want to learn how to trust it implicitly. In doing so, I hope to cultivate elements of trust within your own experiences of intuition as I believe that this is an important part of our evolutionary process. If both you and I can trust our intuition day by day, choice by choice, we effectively take a step towards creating a more Soulful world. A Soulful world cannot sustain any form of violence. Children are being born with this innate ability, most of us still have it too. In this age, it is part of our brief to exist beyond the pedagogy of science, it is essential, and science will eventually catch up (just look at Quantum Physics). Come with me, find your station and ‘tune in’ – see what unfolds.